Raw Trading Account Specifications

The Raw Account from ATFX is the ideal choice for both professional and ambitious traders. You pay the raw spread, from 0.00 pips per trade, and only a small commission.

ATFX Raw Account

This trading account requires a minimum balance of $10,000 to open. It’ll favour you if you need quick execution and tight spreads while maintaining strict control over costs. You’ll receive similar features to our premium account, instead paying a commission and spreads from 0.0.

Benefits of a Raw account include:

  • Competitive spreads from 0.0 pip
  • Leverage up to 1:400
  • Lot size from 0.01
  • One-click trading and trading from charts allowed
  • Unlimited simultaneous open orders
  • Maximum trade size 20 lots
  • Access to our trading academy
  • Newsletters and analysis access
  • Segregation of funds
  • Free VPS – (virtual private server)
  • Commission up to $7 per lot

When you trade CFDs (contracts for difference), you purchase the difference in price from the point at which you open the contract, until it is closed. As a raw account user you can trade CFDs with leverage and raw spreads.

NameMarketProductSpread RangeLots Size (Min/Max)Contract SizePip Value/LotCurrencyLeverage (Margin)SwapsSession Starts* (Mon.)Session Closes* (Fri.)Trading Break* (Mon.-Fri.)
Euro/US DollarForex MajorsEURUSD0.1-0.40.01/30100,000 EUR10 USDN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
US Dollar/Japanese YenForex MajorsUSDJPY0.1-0.40.01/30100,000 USD1000 JPYN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Great British Pound/US DollarForex MajorsGBPUSD0.1-0.40.01/30100,000 GBP10 USDN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
US Dollar/Swiss FrancForex MajorsUSDCHF0.1-0.40.01/30100,000 USD10 CHFN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Australian Dollar/US DollarForex MajorsAUDUSD0.1-0.40.01/30100,000 AUD10 USDN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
New Zealand Dollar/US DollarForex MajorsNZDUSD0.1-0.40.01/30100,000 NZD10 USDN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
US Dollar/Canadian DollarForex MajorsUSDCAD0.1-0.40.01/30100,000 USD10 CADN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Australian Dollar/Canadian DollarForex MinorsAUDCAD0.3-0.90.01/30100,000 AUD10 CADN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Australian Dollar/Swiss FrancForex MinorsAUDCHF0.3-0.90.01/30100,000 AUD10 CHFN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Australian Dollar/Japanese YenForex MinorsAUDJPY0.2-0.70.01/30100,000 AUD1000 JPYN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Australian Dollar/New Zealand DollarForex MinorsAUDNZD0.3-0.90.01/30100,000 AUD10 NZDN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Canadian Dollar/Swiss FrancForex MinorsCADCHF0.5-1.10.01/30100,000 CAD10 CHFN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Canadian Dollar/Japanese YenForex MinorsCADJPY0.2-0.70.01/30100,000 CAD1000 JPYN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Swiss Franc/Japanese YenForex MinorsCHFJPY0.2-0.70.01/30100,000 CHF1000 JPYN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Euro/Australian DollarForex MinorsEURAUD0.2-0.70.01/30100,000 EUR10 AUDN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Euro/Canadian DollarForex MinorsEURCAD0.5-1.10.01/30100,000 EUR10 CADN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Euro/Swiss FrancForex MinorsEURCHF0.2-0.70.01/30100,000 EUR10 CHFN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Euro/Great British PoundForex MinorsEURGBP0.2-0.70.01/30100,000 EUR10 GBPN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Euro/Japanese YenForex MinorsEURJPY0.2-0.70.01/30100,000 EUR1000 JPYN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Euro/New Zealand DollarForex MinorsEURNZD0.6-1.30.01/30100,000 EUR10 NZDN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Great British Pound/Australian DollarForex MinorsGBPAUD0.3-0.90.01/30100,000 GBP10 AUDN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Great British Pound/Canadian DollarForex MinorsGBPCAD0.5-1.10.01/30100,000 GBP10 CADN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Great British Pound/Swiss FrancForex MinorsGBPCHF0.5-1.10.01/30100,000 GBP10 CHFN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Great British Pound/Japanese YenForex MinorsGBPJPY0.0-0.70.01/30100,000 GBP1000 JPYN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Great British Pound/New Zealand DollarForex MinorsGBPNZD0.9-1.70.01/30100,000 GBP10 NZDN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
New Zealand Dollar/Canadian DollarForex MinorsNZDCAD0.5-1.10.01/30100,000 NZD10 CADN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
New Zealand Dollar/Swiss FrancForex MinorsNZDCHF0.2-0.70.01/30100,000 NZD10 CHFN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
New Zealand Dollar/Japanese YenForex MinorsNZDJPY0.2-0.70.01/30100,000 NZD1000 JPYN/A1:400Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5500:00 – 00:01
Euro/Hungarian ForintForex ExoticsEURHUF13.0-20.00.01/30100,000 EUR1000 HUFN/A1:50Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5523:59-00:01
Euro/Polish ZlotyForex ExoticsEURPLN20.0-30.00.01/30100,000 EUR10 PLNN/A1:50Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
Euro/Turkish LiraForex ExoticsEURTRY25.0-40.00.01/30100,000 EUR10 TRYN/A1:50Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Chinese Offshore YuanForex ExoticsUSDCNH15.0-25.00.01/30100,000 USD10 CNHN/A1:50Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Hong Kong DollarForex ExoticsUSDHKD15.0-25.00.01/30100,000 USD10 HKDN/A1:50Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Singapore DollarForex ExoticsUSDSGD15.0-25.00.01/30100,000 USD10 SGDN/A1:50Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Czech KorunaForex ExoticsUSDCZK195.0-480.00.01/30100,000 USD1000 CZKN/A1:50Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Danish KroneForex ExoticsUSDDKK13.0-25.00.01/30100,000 USD10 DKKN/A1:50Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Hungarian ForintForex ExoticsUSDHUF10.0-22.00.01/30100,000 USD1000 HUFN/A1:50Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Mexican PesoForex ExoticsUSDMXN45.0-80.00.01/30100,000 USD10 MXNN/A1:50Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Norwegian KroneForex ExoticsUSDNOK30.0-75.00.01/30100,000 USD10 NOKN/A1:50Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Polish ZlotyForex ExoticsUSDPLN10.0-25.00.01/30100,000 USD10 PLNN/A1:50Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Russian RubleForex ExoticsUSDRUB295.0-500.00.01/30100,000 USD10 RUBN/A1:50Refer to Trading Platform09:0122:2922:29 - 09:01
US Dollar/Turkish LiraForex ExoticsUSDTRY15.0-25.00.01/30100,000 USD10 TRYN/A1:50Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/Swedish KroneForex ExoticsUSDSEK18.0-28.00.01/30100,000 USD10 SEKN/A1:50Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
US Dollar/South Africa RandForex ExoticsUSDZAR26.0-38.00.01/30100,000 USD10 ZARN/A1:50Refer to Trading Platform00:0523:5523:59 - 00:01
Spot Gold/US DollarMetalsXAUUSD1.0-1.50.01/30100 Once10 USDUSD1:400Refer to Trading Platform01:0123:5500:00 – 01:01
Spot Silver/US DollarMetalsXAGUSD1.0-1.50.01/305,000 Once50 USDUSD1:100Refer to Trading Platform01:0123:5500:00 – 01:01
US WTI Crude Oil Futures Contract (CFD)OilUSOIL.MMMYY2.0-3.00.1/301,000 Barrels10 USDUSD1:100Refer to Trading Platform01:0123:5500:00 – 01:01
UK BRENT Crude Oil Futures Contract (CFD)OilUKOIL.MMMYY2.0-3.00.1/301,000 Barrels10 USDUSD1:100Refer to Trading Platform03:0123:5500:00 – 03:01
FTSE China A50 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesCHI505.0-8.00.01/301010 USDUSD1:100Refer to Trading Platform03:0122:0010:30 – 11:00, 22:30 – 03:01
Hong Kong 50 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesHK506.0-9.00.01/305050 HKDHKD1:100Refer to Trading Platform03:1620:5906:00 – 07:00, 10:30 – 11:15, 20:59 – 03:16
Hong Kong China H-Shares Spot Index (CFD)IndicesHKCH506.0-9.00.01/305050 HKDHKD1:100Refer to Trading Platform03:1620:5906:00 – 07:00, 10:30 – 11:15, 20:59 – 03:16
Australian 200 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesAUS2001.2-2.00.01/302020 AUDAUD1:100Refer to Trading Platform01:0522:5907:30 – 08:10, 23:00 – 01:05
Euro 50 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesEU501.6-2.20.01/303030 EUREUR1:100Refer to Trading Platform09:0122:5923:00 – 09:01
Spanish 35 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesESP354.2-5.50.01/301010 EUREUR1:100Refer to Trading Platform10:0121:0021:00 – 10:01
French 40 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesFRA400.9-1.50.01/302010 EUREUR1:100Refer to Trading Platform09:0122:5923:00 – 09:01
Germany 30 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesGER303.5-4.20.01/301010 EUREUR1:100Refer to Trading Platform09:0122:5923:00 – 09:01
Italy 40 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesIT409.0-11.00.01/301010 EUREUR1:100Refer to Trading Platform10:0118:4018:40 – 10:01
Japan 225 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesUK1008.0-12.00.01/301010 GBPGBP1:100Refer to Trading Platform03:0122:5923:00 – 03:01
UK 100 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesJP2251.1-1.80.01/301010 USDUSD1:100Refer to Trading Platform01:0522:5923:00 – 01:05
US 30 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesUS302.0-4.00.01/301010 USDUSD1:100Refer to Trading Platform01:0522:5923:15 – 01:05
US 100 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesNAS1002.0-3.00.01/302010 USDUSD1:100Refer to Trading Platform01:0522:5923:15 – 01:05
US 500 Spot Index (CFD)IndicesSPX5000.6-1.80.01/305010 USDUSD1:100Refer to Trading Platform01:0522:5923:15 – 01:05
US Dollar Futures Index (CFD)IndicesUSDX_MMMYY2.0-3.00.1/301,00010 USDUSD1:50Refer to Trading Platform03:0123:5500:00 – 03:01
Funding your account is simple. Deposit your funds from either a credit/debit card, E-Wallet or bank transfer to start trading.

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Fund your account

Deposit funds from a credit card, E-Wallet or bank transfer to start trading.

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Products and Services on this website are not available for Hong Kong investors and not related to any corporation licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong.

All the information and materials posted on this website should not be regarded as or constitute a distribution, an offer, solicitation to buy or sell any investments.

