Professional Account Specifications

Our pro-account is for traders who trade regularly and consider themselves to be professional traders. If that’s you, meet the criteria below and we’ll get the ball rolling with your application.

ATFX Professional Account

To be eligible for a professional account you must meet certain criteria. If you can tick two out of three points then a professional account might be for you.

  • Do you currently work or have worked in the financial sector in a professional position for at least a year, requiring knowledge of derivatives trading?

  • Have you averaged ten significantly sized transactions per quarter, during the past year?

  • Do you have a financial instrument portfolio, including cash deposits, exceeding €500,000?

We offer two types of professional accounts:

  • Professional Edge – This requires a minimum deposit of $/€/£5000 and offers competitive spreads. All products can be traded.

  • Professional Premium – This requires a minimum deposit of $/€/£10,000 and offers raw spreads. Shares and Cryptocurrencies cannot be traded.

*ATFX Global Markets (CY) Ltd does not currently offer accounts in GBP or accept deposits/withdrawals in GBP.

When you trade CFDs (contracts for difference), you purchase the difference in price from the point at which you open the contract, until it’s closed. As a pro-account user you’ll be able to trade CFDs but the margin needed will be reduced.

ProductMarketNamePip Value/LotCurrencyLeverage (Margin)Minimum SpreadsSwapsLots Size (Min/Max)Contract SizeSession Starts* (Mon.)Session Closes* (Fri.)Trading Break* (Mon.-Fri.)
EURUSDForex MajorsEuro/US Dollar10 USDN/A1:400 (0.25%)0.1Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 EUR00:0523:5523:58-00:03
USDJPYForex MajorsUS Dollar/Japanese Yen1000 JPYN/A1:400 (0.25%)0.1Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 USD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
GBPUSDForex MajorsGreat Britain Pound/US Dollar10 USDN/A1:400 (0.25%)0.1Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 GBP00:0523:5523:58-00:03
USDCHFForex MajorsUS Dollar/Swiss Franc10 CHFN/A1:400 (0.25%)0.1Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 USD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
AUDUSDForex MajorsAustralian Dollar/US Dollar10 USDN/A1:400 (0.25%)0.1Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 AUD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
NZDUSDForex MajorsNew Zealand Dollar/US Dollar10 USDN/A1:400 (0.25%)0.2Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 NZD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
USDCADForex MajorsUS Dollar/Canadian Dollar10 CADN/A1:400 (0.25%)0.2Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 USD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
AUDCADForex MinorsAustralian Dollar/Canadian Dollar10 CADN/A1:400 (0.25%)1Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 AUD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
AUDCHFForex MinorsAustralian Dollar/Swiss Franc10 CHFN/A1:400 (0.25%)1Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 AUD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
AUDJPYForex MinorsAustralian Dollar/Japanese Yen1000 JPYN/A1:400 (0.25%)0.9Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 AUD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
AUDNZDForex MinorsAustralian Dollar/New Zealand Dollar10 NZDN/A1:400 (0.25%)1.3Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 AUD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
CADCHFForex MinorsCanadian Dollar/Swiss Franc10 CHFN/A1:400 (0.25%)1.2Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 CAD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
CADJPYForex MinorsCanadian Dollar/Japanese Yen1000 JPYN/A1:400 (0.25%)0.9Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 CAD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
CHFJPYForex MinorsSwiss Franc/Japanese Yen1000 JPYN/A1:400 (0.25%)0.9Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 CHF00:0523:5523:58-00:03
EURAUDForex MinorsEuro/Australian Dollar10 AUDN/A1:400 (0.25%)1.3Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 EUR00:0523:5523:58-00:03
EURCADForex MinorsEuro/Canadian Dollar10 CADN/A1:400 (0.25%)1.5Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 EUR00:0523:5523:58-00:03
EURCHFForex MinorsEuro/Swiss Franc10 CHFN/A1:400 (0.25%)1.1Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 EUR00:0523:5523:58-00:03
EURGBPForex MinorsEuro/Great Britain Pound10 GBPN/A1:400 (0.25%)0.9Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 EUR00:0523:5523:58-00:03
EURJPYForex MinorsEuro/Japanese Yen1000 JPYN/A1:400 (0.25%)1.1Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 EUR00:0523:5523:58-00:03
EURNZDForex MinorsEuro/New Zealand Dollar10 NZDN/A1:400 (0.25%)1.8Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 EUR00:0523:5523:58-00:03
GBPAUDForex MinorsGreat Britain Pound/Australian Dollar10 AUDN/A1:400 (0.25%)2Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 GBP00:0523:5523:58-00:03
GBPCADForex MinorsGreat Britain Pound/Canadian Dollar10 CADN/A1:400 (0.25%)2Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 GBP00:0523:5523:58-00:03
GBPCHFForex MinorsGreat Britain Pound/Swiss Franc10 CHFN/A1:400 (0.25%)1.2Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 GBP00:0523:5523:58-00:03
GBPJPYForex MinorsGreat Britain Pound/Japanese Yen1000 JPYN/A1:400 (0.25%)1.2Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 GBP00:0523:5523:58-00:03
GBPNZDForex MinorsGreat Britain Pound/New Zealand Dollar10 NZDN/A1:400 (0.25%)2.6Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 GBP00:0523:5523:58-00:03
NZDCADForex MinorsNew Zealand Dollar/Canadian Dollar10 CADN/A1:400 (0.25%)1.7Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 NZD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
NZDCHFForex MinorsNew Zealand Dollar/Swiss Franc10 CHFN/A1:400 (0.25%)1.9Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 NZD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
NZDJPYForex MinorsNew Zealand Dollar/Japanese Yen1000 JPYN/A1:400 (0.25%)1.3Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100,000 NZD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
EURHUFForex ExoticsEuro/Hungarian Forint1000 HUFN/A1:50 (2.0%)8Refer to Trading Platform0.01/30100,000 EUR00:0523:5523:58-00:03
EURPLNForex ExoticsEuro/Polish Zloty10 PLNN/A1:50 (2.0%)6Refer to Trading Platform0.01/30100,000 EUR00:0523:5523:58-00:03
USDCNHForex ExoticsUS Dollar/Chinese Offshore Yuan10 CNHN/A1:50 (2.0%)10Refer to Trading Platform0.01/30100,000 USD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
USDCZKForex ExoticsUS Dollar/Czech Koruna1000 CZKN/A1:50 (2.0%)4Refer to Trading Platform0.01/30100,000 USD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
USDDKKForex ExoticsUS Dollar/Danish Krone10 DKKN/A1:50 (2.0%)3Refer to Trading Platform0.01/30100,000 USD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
USDHKDForex ExoticsUS Dollar/Hong Kong Dollar10 HKDN/A1:50 (2.0%)3Refer to Trading Platform0.01/30100,000 USD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
USDHUFForex ExoticsUS Dollar/Hungarian Forint1000 HUFN/A1:50 (2.0%)5Refer to Trading Platform0.01/30100,000 USD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
USDMXNForex ExoticsUS Dollar/Mexican Peso10 MXNN/A1:50 (2.0%)16Refer to Trading Platform0.01/30100,000 USD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
USDNOKForex ExoticsUS Dollar/Norwegian Krone10 NOKN/A1:50 (2.0%)11Refer to Trading Platform0.01/30100,000 USD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
USDPLNForex ExoticsUS Dollar/Polish Zloty10 PLNN/A1:50 (2.0%)4Refer to Trading Platform0.01/30100,000 USD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
USDRUBForex ExoticsUS Dollar/Russian Ruble10 RUBN/A1:50 (2.0%)120Refer to Trading Platform0.01/30100,000 USD09:0522:2522:25-09:03
USDSGDForex ExoticsUS Dollar/Singapore Dollar10 SGDN/A1:50 (2.0%)1Refer to Trading Platform0.01/30100,000 USD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
USDTRYForex ExoticsUS Dollar/Turkish Lira10 TRYN/A1:50 (2.0%)10Refer to Trading Platform0.01/30100,000 USD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
USDSEKForex ExoticsUS Dollar/Swedish Krone10 SEKN/A1:50 (2.0%)10Refer to Trading Platform0.01/30100,000 USD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
USDZARForex ExoticsUS Dollar/South Africa Rand10 ZARN/A1:50 (2.0%)20Refer to Trading Platform0.01/30100,000 USD00:0523:5523:58-00:03
XAUUSDMetalsSpot Gold/US Dollar10 USDUSD1:400 (0.25%)0.6Refer to Trading Platform0.01/50100 Once01:0523:4523:58 – 01:03
XAGUSDMetalsSpot Silver/US Dollar50 USDUSD1:100 (1.0%)1.9Refer to Trading Platform0.01/305,000 Once01:0523:4523:58 – 01:03
XAUEURMetalsSpot Gold/Euro10 EUREUR1:400 (0.25%)1.6Refer to Trading Platform0.01/30100 Once01:0523:5523:58 – 01:03
XAGEURMetalsSpot Silver/Euro50 EUREUR1:100 (1.0%)3Refer to Trading Platform0.01/305,000 Once01:0523:5523:58 – 01:03
XPTUSDMetalsSpot Platinum/US Dollar10 USDUSD1:50 (2.0%)20Refer to Trading Platform0.01/30100 Once01:0523:5523:58 – 01:03
XPDUSDMetalsSpot Palladium/US Dollar10 USDUSD1:50 (2.0%)50Refer to Trading Platform0.01/30100 Once01:0523:5523:58 – 01:03
XCUUSDMetalsSpot Copper/US Dollar10 USDUSD1:10 (10.0%)80Refer to Trading Platform0.01/30100 Tonnes03:0520:0020:01 – 03:04
USOILOilUS WTI Crude Oil Spot10 USDUSD1:100 (1.0%)1Refer to Trading Platform0.1/301,000 Barrels01:0523:4523:58 – 01:03
UKOILOilUK BRENT Crude Oil Spot10 USDUSD1:100 (1.0%)1Refer to Trading Platform0.1/301,000 Barrels03:0523:4523:58 – 03:03
CHI50IndicesFTSE China A50 Spot Index (CFD)10 USDUSD1:100 (1.0%)7.7Refer to Trading Platform0.1/301003:0122:0010:30 – 11:00, 22:30 – 03:01
HK50IndicesHong Kong 50 Spot Index (CFD)50 HKDHKD1:100 (1.0%)7.7Refer to Trading Platform0.1/305003:1618:5906:00 – 07:00, 10:30 – 11:15, 18:59 – 03:16
AUS200IndicesAustralian 200 Spot Index (CFD)20 AUDAUD1:100 (1.0%)3.7Refer to Trading Platform0.1/302001:0522:5907:30 – 08:10, 23:00 – 01:05
EU50IndicesEuro 50 Spot Index (CFD)30 EUREUR1:100 (1.0%)3.8Refer to Trading Platform0.1/303009:0522:5923:00 – 09:01
ESP35IndicesSpanish 35 Spot Index (CFD)10 EUREUR1:100 (1.0%)2.2Refer to Trading Platform0.1/301010:0520:5920:59 – 10:05
FRA40IndicesFrench 40 Spot Index (CFD)10 EUREUR1:100 (1.0%)2.8Refer to Trading Platform0.1/301009:0522:5922:59 – 09:05
GER30IndicesGermany 30 Spot Index (CFD)10 EUREUR1:100 (1.0%)0.7Refer to Trading Platform0.1/301004:0122:5923:15 – 04:00
IT40IndicesItaly 40 Spot Index (CFD)10 EUREUR1:100 (1.0%)7.7Refer to Trading Platform0.1/301010:0518:4018:40 – 10:01
JP225IndicesJapan 225 Spot Index (CFD)1000 JPYJPY1:100 (1.0%)0.7Refer to Trading Platform0.1/301,00001:0522:5922:59 – 01:05
UK100IndicesUK 100 Spot Index (CFD)10 GBPGBP1:100 (1.0%)7.7Refer to Trading Platform0.1/301003:0522:5922:59 – 03:05
US30IndicesUS 30 Spot Index (CFD)10 USDUSD1:100 (1.0%)0.8Refer to Trading Platform0.1/301001:0523:1523:15 – 01:05
US100IndicesUS 100 Spot Index (CFD)10 USDUSD1:100 (1.0%)0.7Refer to Trading Platform0.1/301001:0523:1523:15 – 01:05
US500IndicesUS 500 Spot Index (CFD)10 USDUSD1:100 (1.0%)0.2Refer to Trading Platform0.1/301001:0523:1523:15 – 01:05

Register for an account


Open your account

Complete the Live Trading Account application form. Once we have verified identity, we will set up your account.


Fund your account

Deposit funds from a credit card, E-Wallet or bank transfer to start trading.

Start trading

Trade on every device, including PC, Android, iPad and iPhone or via web browser.

Restrictions on Use

Products and Services on this website are not available for Hong Kong investors and not related to any corporation licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong.

All the information and materials posted on this website should not be regarded as or constitute a distribution, an offer, solicitation to buy or sell any investments.

